Come to one weekend course and submit the required paper or project to get three credit hours.
Come to one weekend course and submit the required paper or project to get three credit hours.
Introduce us to your birth family and tell us the place you are from. What is unique about your country or area within it? Talk about the circumstances that led you to become an au pair. Introduce us to your host family and tell us about the area of the United States that you now call home. Write about your experiences you have had here in the US. Include in your paper some dreams, future plans, and/or hopes for the future. Tell us where you see yourself in five years. What will you be doing? Where will you be living? How will you get there? This should be at least 2,000 words long.
You could include any of the following: your expectations prior to coming to the United States; your experiences in the past day or week; child rearing beliefs your host family practices or you have adopted or brought with you; reaction to cultural or social aspects; points of your life in the USA you wish to treasure; information about places you visited and things you want to remember; how life differs here than in your home country; what you have been able to use that you learned from sessions at your au pair training school and/or Silver Bay Course. This should be at least 2,000 words long.
What do you like or dislike about the topic? Relate something specific in American pop culture to something that is popular in your home country – how is it similar or different? How is American Pop Culture perceived in your country? In addition, if you were to be known for something famous, what would you be known for and why? This should be at least 2,000 words long.
Explain why it is traditional, how did the dish become important to your family, what ingredients are needed, how do you prepare it and how do American foods differ? What did people who ate what you prepared say about it? Did they suggest how it differed from American cuisine? What did they like and dislike about it? You might include what dishes you miss most. This does not have to be 2,000 words; it needs to be as long as it takes for you to complete this part.
You can choose what you would like to do. Some suggestions are: the March-of-Dimes, Breast Cancer, Juvenile Diabetes, Heart Association, etc. In addition to volunteering, you need to write a three-page paper telling about the charitable group, the event, your role, and what you learned. This volunteer experience, research, writing and typing the paper should equal at least 10 hours.This should be at least 2,000 words long.
You might include cultural, size, holidays, education, tourism, traditions, flags, animals, government, etc. Generally, it should take about 10 hours to research, write, and type the paper. This should be at least 2,000 words long.
Generally, it should take about 10 hours to research, write, and type the paper. This should be at least 2,000 words long.
The two-part assignment must be completed by six weeks after completion of the weekend course.
DO NOT SEND PARTIAL ASSIGNMENTS!!! Both parts must be sent at the same time.
Please send the completed assignment (BOTH PARTS AT THE SAME TIME) to:
If there are any questions e-mail
Date of Weekend attended
What homework parts are you sending? A / B1 / B2 / B3 / B4 / B5 / B6 / C
Email Address where your certificate should be sent
The two-part assignment must be completed by six weeks after completion of the weekend course.
DO NOT SEND PARTIAL ASSIGNMENTS!!! Both parts must be sent at the same time.
Please send the completed assignment (BOTH PARTS AT THE SAME TIME) to:
If there are any questions e-mail
Date of Weekend attended
Is it your 1st weekend or 2nd weekend?
Address where your certificate should be sent